We have been and will keep being the drive for zero waste in Tubah Municipality
Markets Cleanup
During the launching of waste management program in Tubah municipality, which was a Municipal deliberation N0 003/MD/TC/2021 on September 15 2021, Mayor Tanjong Martin Meshongong and his team gave out equipment that will help better the hygiene and Sanitation conditions of the Markets and the entire population at large. Some of these equipment were trash cans, washing hand kits, motor bike vans use for the carrying of waste and other equipment that were of great use for the community.
Tubah Council has a strong hold on the Hygiene and Sanitation of the Markets in the Municipality, under the service of Hygiene and Sanitation organizing cleanup activities every Thursdays of the week in markets and on village market days. The team for hygiene and sanitation makes sure that after any market day of each village, they pass round to empty all the garbage cans. Before the clean-up activities, the Market Masters are been informed through the head of service for hygiene and Sanitation to help mobilize the market men and women to take part in the cleaning up exercise
Schools Cleanup
Tubah Municipality has numerous schools ranging from primary to secondary, and high schools to the universities. Tubah council under the service of hygiene and sanitation together with school authorities have dedicated every Friday of the week to be set aside for cleaning. In most secondary schools Friday is a day for cleanup and manual labor after this cleaning activities, the council pass round these schools to empty their trash cans.
Tubah council is also involve in medical sensitization in schools especially on pandemics like cholera, Covid -19 pandemic. The Tubah council has gone round sensitizing schools about these pandemic and explaining to them how this pandemics can be managed for instance washing of hands regularly, wearing of nose mask and other majors to prevent these pandemics from spreading. The council equally distributed Covid -19 wash hand kits and this was done by the Mayor of Tubah Council to Schools. The Tubah council equally supervises the cleanliness and hygienic conditions in schools.
Hospitals Cleanup
Tubah Municipality has as main health bodies; District hospital Bambui, Bambili Intergrated Health Center, Mbingo Annex C.B.C Sabga. The service of hygiene and sanitation goes round the Municipality on monthly bases to make sure that the hygienic conditions of all the hospitals are in order. The Tubah Council equally send litters of visitation to these various health bodies in other to check and make sure that their wards, toilets and immediate surrounds are clean. The Tubah Council Together with these health bodies help to sensitized the public on how to manage the pandemics of Covid and Cholera in the entire Municipality
Tubah Municipality has a lot of streets which are controlled by the Council, these streets are cleaned weekly by the hygiene and sanitation service of the Council and at the junctions of each street the council has place trash cans and these trash can have different labels from plastics to house hold waste and the cans are emptied weekly by the team of hygiene and sanitation.
Tubah Municipality has Bambili, Bambui with finge and Baforkum to Kedjom Keku and Kedjom Ketinguh with Sabga and Jung. In other for Tubah Council to be fully involved in the hygiene and sanitation of the entire Municipality a steering committee was created on February 14 2023, which act as a subordinate body that helps the Council to easily access the population. The steering committee is made up of Deputy Mayors, Councilors assigned by the Mayor, the Council Development Office (C.D.O), and Head of Service for Hygiene and Sanitation Tubah Council, and quarter head of various quarters in the Municipality. This committee help to transmit information from the Council body on the hygiene and sanitation activities to the population after deliberation with the committee to their various constituency. During the creation of this committee it was agreed that each constituency will be schedule a clean-up exercise on their various “contry Sundays” which make it easy to organize these cleanup programs. The head quarter through official letter from the Mayor announcing to their various constituency about cleaning up activities. During these activities in the various constituency, the Council under the service of hygiene and sanitation is fully involved. Specific areas were made for each quarter by the various quarter head for the dumping of waste and these spots will be easy for the team of hygiene and sanitation to load the waste in to the van to the dumpsite. The team of hygiene and sanitation begged on the steering committee member to inform the inhabitance of the constituency to learn to sort their waste before dumping at the various spot allocated for dumping
Tubah Council has an annual plan which has been authorized by the Lord Mayor with its main objective “To improve the health, hygiene and sanitation conditions of inhabitance within Tubah Municipality”. The annual plan involve the different activities to be carried out month respectively. The hygiene and sanitation team gives a monthly report on each activity carried out within the month in line with the annual plan.
The Council equally has a monthly general clean up set aside for the whole municipality which has been schedule for the last Thursdays of the Month. Clean-up campaign is an effective platform to show communities that waste management and hygiene is important. During the clean-up activities all places are lock ranging shops and a lot more until 12noon after the cleanup. The dedicated day for cleanup sometimes the work is been coordinated by the Lord Mayor himself as the team goes out to make sure that places are lock and people clean their environ and people who do not obey activities or participate have their stores sealed and penalty paid to the Council treasure before these seals can be removed. Reports are done after the clean-up activity and meetings held to evaluate the clean-up activities of that Month.