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Tubah Council

Tubah Council In existence since the days of colonization

Brief History

The present Tubah Council existed since the days of colonization as the Southeastern Federation of the Bamenda Province, comprising Banso, Ndop, Bafut, Nkwen, Bamendankwe and the four main villages of Tubah. Later, there was disintegration beginning with Banso, followed by Ndop, Nkwen, Bamendankwe and finally Bafut, living only the four main villages. Meanwhile, Tubah Subdivision was created in 1992 by a presidential decree that cut off Bafut and equally made it a Subdivision. Tubah and Bafut had up till then existed as one (Tubah Subdivision). It should be noted here that each party left with its own assets at disintegration.

Tubah Municipality

Tubah council is one of the seven municipalities in Mezam Division and headquartered is Tubah which is semi urban and cosmopolitan. The municipality which covers the territory of Tubah Subdivision has a land surface area of 450 square kilometres. Tubah Municipality is made up of four villages which are Bambui, Bambili, Kedjom Keku and Kedjom Ketinlguh. The Kedjoms have a common culture. They speak one language; rituals in marriages, birth, death and enthronement are similar. Bambui and Bambili speak almost the same language except tongue twisting. Beginning with the village names, they are same. Bambui is known as Mbaand Bambili is called Mbsli. There is also oneness in names of citizens-Amuhngwa, Azunishie, Tamukum, Tanjong, Fobejung, Fobalang, Saanui, Ngweni, just to name a few. The eight days of the week are almost the same: Yienti-Bambui, Yentigi-Bambili, Yieko-o-Bambui, Yekho-Bambili etc. All the eight days begin with “Ye”. In fact, they were one but are now separated by politics and tongue twisting in speaking. The four main villages are headed by second class chiefs and the Lamido of Sabga too has been made a second-class chief. Sabga is a community of mainly settled Fulani and Hausa people. Sabga is located in Tingeh, a neighbourhood in Kedjom Ketinguh. Finge is a third-class chiefdom located within Bambui . The Baforkum people are of Santa origins who have settled in Bambui territory, and Jung in  Kedjom Ketinguh also got a third-class chiefdom status.