Tubah Council Awarded for Outstanding Performance in Promoting Inclusive Health Care Access for People with Disabilities and Disability Inclusive Development in the Northwest, Region
CBCHS Celebrates
CBC Health Services in partnership with CBM and Australian Aid introduced an award titled: “Council Excellence in Inclusion Award (CEIA)” to celebrate Councils and Decentralized Support Structures that have been outstanding in promoting disability inclusion in their municipalities and participants included: Mayors from 11 Councils who took part in the Council Excellence in Inclusion Award (CEIA); ten from the Northwest and one from the West region, representatives of Decentralized Support Structures, Administrators and Chief Medical Officers of CBCHS hospitals, representatives from CBM Cameroon Office, the CBC Executive President and the Media.
Tubah Council in Disability Inclusive Development and Humanitarian Aid
Tubah Council in this light has not only been disability inclusive in the plan out and execution of its developmental projects across diverse sectors but also works hand in glove with various Civil Societies and individuals both home and abroad with bases on humanitarian aid throughout Tubah Municipality and beyond