About two to three hundred (200 – 300) youths are offered holiday jobs in Tubah Municipality every year (late June to early August).
Youths being drilled before the start of the holiday job activities in 2024
The Mayor brought about the yearly holiday job initiative for the youths in other to help as well as mold them towards a better future not only for themselves but also for the Municipality and Cameroon entirely
Mayor Tanjong Martin talking to the youths at the end of the holiday job activities in Tubah Municipaility at the plastic bricks fabricating site
Part of the holiday job activities
Planting of trees at watersheds and catchment areas within Tubah Municipality
Planting of flowers along the streets, palaces and other worthy areas within the Municipality
Gathering of plastic papers, bags and bottles throughout Tubah Municipality
Filling plastic bottles with soil
And the Council staffs go about their usual cleanup duty within the Municipality
The Mayor keeps championing the ideal of “WASTE IS WEALTH”
Through a sustainable approach to waste management, Mayor Tanjong of Tubah Council has initiated the production of pavement bricks from waste plastic bags, papers, and bottles. Also organic manure from household waste is being processed in the Municipality
Also forecasted to be build are two roundabouts, that of Bambili and Bambui, as well as two classrooms and four toilets with soil-filled-plastic-bottles
Holiday job activities usually ends as back to school approaches
Not only do the youths employed during the period gain numerous skills given their interaction with the Council’s functioning, but the Mayor also take on at the closing ceremony to cautioning them in being civilly responsible citizens backing off any activity that may jeopardy their lives or that of the functioning of the Municipality and Cameroon entirely. Also for them to carryon the waste management ideal at home having bags hang at their respective compounds for different types of waste of which the Council’s Hygiene and Sanitation staff will regularly pass to collect.